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忱志抉抄扶抉抄 扳我抖抆技 扭忘忱快扶我攸 技忘扮我扶抑 | ![]() |

Application: this machine can concentrate solvent which include water or organic solvents containing heat-sensitive logistics solution and low body suspended enrichment. Especially for low temperature concentration of plant extracts, fruit juice and milk pre-concentrate, de alcohol beer, organic enrichment, etc..
扭把我技快扶快扶我快: 改找忘 技忘扮我扶忘 技抉忪快找 扼抉扼把快忱抉找抉折我找抆 志抉忱抑 我抖我 把忘扼找志抉把我找快抖攸 志 抉把忍忘扶我折快扼抗我抒 把忘扼找志抉把我找快抖快抄, 志 找抉技 折我扼抖快 扭抉把找攸投我抒扼攸 抖抉忍我扼找我折快扼抗我抒 把快扮快扶我抄 我 扶我戒抗抉抄 抉把忍忘扶忘 扭把我抉扼找忘扶抉志我找抆 抉忌抉忍忘投快扶我快 批把忘扶忘.孚快抄戒快抖 for 扶我戒抗抉抄 抗抉扶扯快扶找把忘扯我我 改抗扼找把忘抗找忘 把忘扼找快扶我攸, 扳把批抗找抑, 妊抉抗我 我 技抉抖抉抗抉. 忱抉 抗抉扶扯快扶找把忘扯我我 抉把忍忘扶我折快扼抗我抒 扭我志抉, 忘抖抗抉忍抉抖抆, 我 找.忱.
1, the material is flowing from the top into the tube by materials distributor, then it can form a film along the inner surface. The solvent will be heated by jacket, so it is boiling, the boiling is steam can flow down quickly into air-water separator. So the solvent can be concentrated.
1, the material into the from the Top - 改找抉 扭抉找抉抗 把忘扼扭把快忱快抖我找快抖抆扶抑抄 找把批忌忘 技忘找快把我忘抖抉志, 找抉 改找抉 技抉忪快找 扼找忘找抆 志扶批找把快扶扶快抄 扭抉志快把抒扶抉扼找我 扭抖快扶抗我.Will be by the 把忘扼找志抉把我找快抖攸 抉找抉扭抖快扶我快 抗批把找抗我, so it is the 抗我扭攸找抉抗, 抗我扭攸找抉抗, 扼抗抉把抉 技抉忪扶抉 忌批忱快找 志抉抄找我 志 扭抉找抉抗 扭忘把忘 扼快扭忘把忘找抉把 忍忘戒忘 - 扭抉忱 志抉忱抉抄.Can be 找忘抗 the 抗抉扶扯快扶找把我把抉志忘扶扶抉抄 把忘扼找志抉把我找快抖快抄.
2, heat transfer coefficient has been further improved, a shorter residence time of materials,
2, 抗抉改扳扳我扯我快扶找 扭快把快忱忘折我 找快扭抖忘 批忪快 忱忘抖抆扶快抄扮快忍抉 批抖批折扮快扶我攸, 忪我志批找 志 抉找扶抉扼我找快抖抆扶抉 抗抉把抉找抗我快 扼把抉抗我 技忘找快把我忘抖抉志
evaporation temperature is more lower.
Evaporation 找快技扭快把忘找批把忘 is more.
Double-effect falling film concentrator
忱志抉抄扶抉抄 改扳扳快抗找 志 扳我抖抆技快 抗抉扶扯快扶找把忘找抉把
Uses: it is specially for heat-sensitive material with low-viscosity liquid c, it is widely used In juice, drink, milk, pharmaceutical, wastewater treatment, fermentation, extraction and so on.
妒扼扭抉抖抆戒抉志忘扶我快: 改找抉 specially for 折批志扼找志我找快抖抆扶抑抒 技忘找快把我忘抖抉志 扼 扶我戒抗抉抄 志攸戒抗抉扼找我 忪我忱抗抉扼找我 C, it is used in 扼忘技抉抖快找快 技抉抖抉抗忘, 扼抉抗抉志, 扶忘扭我找抗抉志, 扭我志忘, 忘扭找快抗忘, 志快把扶抉 wastewater treatment and, 我 找.忱.
Overview: the principle is same like single film falling machine, the difference: the steam generated from evaporator can be used again, it can heat the secondary evaporator, then the steam generated by secondary evaporator will be cooled by condenser, then it will flow out.
扭把抉扳我抖抆: the same 抗忘抗 扭把我扶扯我扭 is the 把忘戒扶我扯忘 志 快忱我扶抑抄 扳我抖抆技 扭忘把抉志抉抄 技忘扮我扶抑, 我戒 我扼扭忘把我找快抖攸: can be used the secondary 志扶抉志抆 找快扭抖抉志抉抄 我扼扭忘把我找快抖攸, 改找抉 技抉忪快找 志抑戒志忘找抆 抉抒抖忘忪忱快扶我攸 扭忘把忘, 忘 戒忘找快技 我扼扭忘把我找快抖攸 will be by by secondary 抗抉扶忱快扶扼忘扯我我, 戒忘找快技 抉扶 忌批忱快找 找快折抆.
3 effect falling film concentrator
找把快抒抗抉技扭抉扶快扶找扶抑抄 志 扳我抖抆技快 抗抉扶扯快扶找把忘找抉把
Uses: it is specially for mass solvent concentration, especially for dairy products, fruit and vegetable juices, sugars, organic acids, wastewater treatment and starch products.
妒扼扭抉抖抆戒抉志忘扶我快: 改找抉 specially for 技忘扼扼忘 抗抉扶扯快扶找把忘扯我攸 把忘扼找志抉把我找快抖攸, 孚快抄戒快抖 for juices 技抉抖抉折扶抑快 扭把抉忱批抗找抑, 扳把批抗找抑 我 抉志抉投我, 扼忘抒忘把, 抉把忍忘扶我折快扼抗我快 抗我扼抖抉找抑, 抉折我扼找抗我 扼找抉折扶抑抒 志抉忱 我 抗把忘抒技忘抖 扭把抉忱批抗找抉志.
1, the multi-effect falling concentrator is linked by single film falling concentrator, the latter effect of operating pressure and the boiling point lower than the previous effect, so the steam generated by previous evaporator can heat the secondary evaporator. So it can cost lower steam and water
1, "技扶抉忍抉折我扼抖快扶扶抑快 扭抉扼抖快忱扼找志我攸 志 扳我抖抆技快 抗抉扶扯快扶找把忘找抉把 is linked by the latter 抉忱我扶 志 抉忌抉忍忘找我找快抖抆扶忘攸 扳忘忌把我抗忘, 忌我戒扶快扼 - 忱忘志抖快扶我快 and the effect of lower than the 把忘扶快快 抗我扭快扶我攸 改扳扳快抗找 扭把抉我戒志抉忱我找 扭忘把, 找忘抗 the can by 把忘扶快快 志找抉把抉忍抉 我扼扭忘把我找快抖攸 我扼扭忘把我找快抖抆 找快扭抖抉志抉抄.妥忘抗 折找抉 抉扶 技抉忪快找 忌抉抖快快 扶我戒抗抉抄 扼找抉我技抉扼找我 我 志抉忱攸扶抉忍抉 扭忘把忘
2, and compared to other forms of evaporator, the heat transfer coefficient of falling film evaporator is more higher, low cost, low energy consumption, especially suitable for low content of suspended substances in solution, high evaporation, concentration ratio, difficult to scale enrichment materials.
2, and compared to the other forms of of 我扼扭忘把我找快抖抆, 志 扳我抖抆技快 我扼扭忘把我找快抖抆 找快扭抖抉志抉抄 抗抉改扳扳我扯我快扶找 扭快把快忱忘折我 攸志抖攸快找扼攸 忌抉抖快快 志抑扼抉抗抉抄, 扶我戒抗抉抄 扼找抉我技抉扼找我, 扶我戒抗抉抄 扶我戒抗抉快 扭抉找把快忌抖快扶我快 改扶快把忍我我, 孚快抄戒快抖 for content of 扭把我抉扼找忘扶抉志我抖 扭抉忱抒抉忱攸投快忍抉 把快扮快扶我攸 志抑扼抉抗抉抄 抗抉扶扯快扶找把忘扯我我 志快投快扼找志, 折快技, 我扼扭忘把快扶我攸, 抗抉扶扯快扶找把忘扯我我 抉折快扶抆 技忘扼扮找忘忌忘抒 技忘找快把我忘抖抉志.
