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扳快把技快扶找忘扯我抉扶扶抑抄 把快戒快把志批忘把 | ![]() |

this fermentation tank is ideal system for production of bacteria, yeast, enzyme,and fungi ,etc in aerobic and anaerobic cultures.This series of products suits for various kinds of microbiology lab, pilot and industrial scale fermentation.
改找抉找 抗抉扶找快抄扶快把 忱抖攸 忌把抉忪快扶我攸 我忱快忘抖抆扶抉 扭抉忱抒抉忱我找 扼我扼找快技忘 扭把抉我戒志抉忱扼找志忘 忌忘抗找快把我抄, 忱把抉忪忪快抄, 扳快把技快扶找忘, 我 忍把我忌抑, 我 找.忱. 志 忘改把抉忌扶抑抒 我 忘扶忘改把抉忌扶抑抒 抗批抖抆找批把. 改找抉抄 扼快把我我 扭把抉忱批抗找抉志 扭抉忱抒抉忱我找 忱抖攸 把忘戒抖我折扶抑抒 志我忱抉志 技我抗把抉忌我抉抖抉忍我折快扼抗我快 抖忘忌抉把忘找抉把我我, 改抗扼扭快把我技快扶找忘抖抆扶抑快 我 志 扭把抉技抑扮抖快扶扶抑抒 技忘扼扮找忘忌忘抒 扳快把技快扶找忘扯我我.
User can choose appreciate model according to Client s detail requirement.
扭抉抖抆戒抉志忘找快抖抆 技抉忪快找 志抑忌把忘找抆 扯快扶我技 技抉忱快抖抆, 扼抉忍抖忘扼扶抉 抗抖我快扶找 S 扭抉忱把抉忌扶抑快 找把快忌抉志忘扶我攸.
We have model from 30L---30000L
批 扶忘扼 快扼找抆 技抉忱快抖我 扼 30L - 30000l
This fermentation tank include fermentation tank, mixer, pipes, meters, valves, PH meter, Do meter, anti-foam device, temperature control system, heating system and control system
改找抉找 抗抉扶找快抄扶快把 忱抖攸 忌把抉忪快扶我攸 志抒抉忱攸找 扳快把技快扶找忘扯我我 找忘扶抗, 技我抗扼快把, 找把批忌抑, 技快找把抉志, 抗抖忘扭忘扶抑, pH - 忱忘找折我抗忘, 扼忱快抖忘找抆 技快找把, 忘扶找我 - 扭快扶抑 批扼找把抉抄扼找志忘, 扼我扼找快技忘 把快忍批抖我把抉志忘扶我攸 找快技扭快把忘找批把抑, 扼我扼找快技抑 抉找抉扭抖快扶我攸 我 扼我扼找快技忘 批扭把忘志抖快扶我攸
扭把我扶扯我扭 把忘忌抉找抑:
First Sterilization the tank, then fill the culture medium into fermentation tank, adjust the PH and oxygen degree, it should be according to requirement of the bacteria, yeast, enzyme,and fungi. And keep the temperature according to the requirement, and constantly adjust the oxygen degree and PH degree in the tank.
扭快把志抑抄 扼找快把我抖我戒忘扯我我 忌忘抗, 忘 戒忘找快技 戒忘扭抉抖扶我找抆 抗批抖抆找批把抑 忱我扼抗 志 抗抉扶找快抄扶快把 忱抖攸 忌把抉忪快扶我攸, 批扼找忘扶抉志我找抆 扼找快扭快扶抆 pH 我 抗我扼抖抉把抉忱忘, 扼抖快忱批快找 志 扼抉抉找志快找扼找志我我 扼 找把快忌抉志忘扶我快技 忌忘抗找快把我抄, 忱把抉忪忪快抄, 扳快把技快扶找忘, 我 忍把我忌抑.我 扭抉忱忱快把忪我志忘找抆 找快技扭快把忘找批把批 志 扼抉抉找志快找扼找志我我 扼 找把快忌抉志忘扶我快技, 我 扭抉扼找抉攸扶扶抉 抗抉把把快抗找我把抉志忘找抆 抗我扼抖抉把抉忱忘, 扼找快扭快扶抆 我 把扶 - 扼找快扭快扶抆 志 忌忘抗.
For industrial scale fermentation: first you put raw material into the tank with solvent, then heating it to high temperature to kill the bacterial, then cool the high temperature inside of the fermentation tank, and keep the temperature which the yeast living, add the yeast, and constantly adjust the PH and oxygen degree inside of the tank.
志 扭把抉技抑扮抖快扶扶抑抒 技忘扼扮找忘忌忘抒 扳快把技快扶找忘扯我攸: 扼扶忘折忘抖忘 扭抉扼找忘志我找抆 扼抑把抆快 志 扯我扼找快把扶批 扼 把忘扼找志抉把我找快抖快技, 找抉 抉找抉扭抖快扶我快 快忍抉 志抑扼抉抗忘攸 找快技扭快把忘找批把忘, 折找抉忌抑 批忌我找抆 忌忘抗找快把我我, 抉扼找批忱我找抆 志抑扼抉抗抉抄 找快技扭快把忘找批把抑 忌把抉忪快扶我攸 志扶批找把我 扯我扼找快把扶抑 我 扭抉忱忱快把忪我志忘找抆 找快技扭快把忘找批把批, 忱把抉忪忪我, 忪我志批投我抒, 忱抉忌忘志我找抆 忱把抉忪忪我, 我 扭抉扼找抉攸扶扶抉 抗抉把把快抗找我把抉志忘找抆 批把抉志快扶抆 pH 我 抗我扼抖抉把抉忱忘 志扶批找把我 扯我扼找快把扶抑.
30L |
50L |
100L |
200L |
500L |
1000L |
2000L |
3000L |
5000L |
10000L |
50000L | |
Diameter mm |
300 |
300 |
400 |
500 |
700 |
900 |
1200 |
1300 |
1500 |
1800 |
3100 |
Height mm |
1600 |
1700 |
2000 |
2300 |
2600 |
3000 |
3800 |
4300 |
4500 |
5300 |
8000 |
Filling capacity |
65%-80% | ||||||||||
Inside Pressure Mpa |
0. 2 | ||||||||||
Jacket pressure Mpa |
0.3 | ||||||||||
Cool method |
By jacket |
By pipe | |||||||||
Mix speed rpm |
400 |
400 |
400 |
360 |
300 |
220 |
180 |
160 |
145 |
125 |
110 |
Motor Power kw |
0.55 |
0.55 |
0.75 |
1.1 |
1.5 |
2.2 |
3 |
4 |
5.5 |
13 |
55 |
1 this fermentation tank is vertical, double jacket, mixer with control box
1 抗抉扶找快抄扶快把 忱抖攸 忌把抉忪快扶我攸 志 志快把找我抗忘抖抆扶抉技 扭抉抖抉忪快扶我我, 忱志抉抄扶抉抄 扭我忱忪忘抗, 技我抗扼快把 扼 扭批抖抆找 批扭把忘志抖快扶我攸
2 it include DO meter and PH meter
2 志抗抖攻折我找抆 扼忱快抖忘找抆 技快找把 我 我戒技快把我找快抖攸 pH
3 It is heated by steam.
3 抉扶 扶忘忍把快志忘快找扼攸 扼 扭抉技抉投抆攻 扭忘把忘.
4 contact parts SS 316L and outer cladding by SS 304. Facility to adjust speed by VFD.
4 抗抉扶找忘抗找 折忘扼找快抄 扼扼 我 志扶快扮扶我抒 扼找快扶 316L 抉找把攸忱忘技我 扼扼 304.扳抉扶忱 忱抖攸 忘忱忘扭找忘扯我我 扼抗抉把抉扼找我 vfd.
5 RPM of stirrer can be up to 0- 400rpm/minute
5 技我扶. 抉找 技快扮忘抖抗批 技抉忪快找 忌抑找抆 忱抉 0 - 400rpm / 技我扶.
6 All connection and fittings are sanitary type and GMP comply.
6 志扼快 扼志攸戒我 我 抉忌抉把批忱抉志忘扶我快 扼忘扶我找忘把扶抉忍抉 找我扭忘 我 GMP 扼抉抉找志快找扼找志批攻找.
7 All valves should are zero dead leg and diaphragm type.
7 志扼快 抗抖忘扭忘扶抑 忱抉抖忪扶抑 把忘志扶抑 扶批抖攻 快忍抉 扶抉忍批 我 忱我忘扳把忘忍技忘 找我扭忘.
8 Vessel design are GMP comply and completely drainable and easily cleanable.
8 抗抉扶扼找把批抗扯我我 扼批忱扶忘 扶忘抒抉忱攸找扼攸 GMP 扼抉忌抖攻忱忘找抆 我 扭抉抖扶抉扼找抆攻 drainable 我 抖快忍抗抉 cleanable.
9 The mixer is install on the top,
9. - 批扼找忘扶抉志抗忘 扼志快把抒批
10 The vessel has manhole for loading and one view port and on top one troll ball for cleaning.
10 扼批忱扶忘, 抖攻抗 忱抖攸 扭抉忍把批戒抗我 我 抉忱我扶 志我忱 扭抉把找忘 我 扼志快把抒批 抉忱我扶 找把抉抖抖抆 技攸折 扶忘 批忌抉把抗批.
Order requirement:
折找抉忌抑 找把快忌抉志忘扶我快:
1 How much liter fermentation tank do you need?
1 扼抗抉抖抆抗抉 抖我找把 扳快把技快扶找忘扯我我 找忘扶抗?
2 Do you need to check the PH and oxygen degree of the fermentation tank?
2 找快忌快 扶批忪扶抉 扭把抉志快把我找抆 pH 我 抗我扼抖抉把抉忱忘 扼找快扭快扶抆 扳快把技快扶找忘扯我我 找忘扶抗?
3 What way do you want to heat the fermentation tank ? By steam or electric?
3 抗忘抗 抒抉折快扮抆 找快扭抖忘 扳快把技快扶找忘扯我攸 找忘扶抗?扭忘把抉技 我抖我 改抖快抗找把我折快扼抗批攻?
4 How much speed of the mixer do you need?
4, 扼抗抉抖抆抗抉 扼抗抉把抉扼找我. 找快忌快 扶批忪扶抉?
5 When do you need this machine?
5, 抗抉忍忱忘 志忘技 扶批忪扶忘 技忘扮我扶忘?
