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fjg 扶快把忪忘志快攻投快抄 扼找忘抖我 扼快把我我 扳快把技快扶找忘扯我我 找忘扶抗 | ![]() |

The fermentation tank is widely used in the dairy product, drink, biological engineering, pharmaceutical and fine chemical industry, etc. The fermentation tank is one kind of reactive equipment in industry which is used for fermentation of microorganism. The body generally is made of stainless steel and the tank body has a jacket, insulation layer, it can be cooling, heating and heat preservation. Inside of tank is with mirror polish, the close design to ensure material mixing, fermentation under a non-pollution state. This equipment is with breathing hole, CIP washing device and manhole. During designing and manufacturing process should pay attention to exactitude structure and steam disinfection-resistant. This equipment is with a flexibility operation so that is suitable for multi-product.
忌把抉忪快扶我快 找忘扶抗 扮我把抉抗抉 我扼扭抉抖抆戒批快找扼攸 志 技抉抖抉折扶抉抄 扭把抉忱批抗扯我我, 扶忘扭我找抗抉志, 忌我抉我扶忪快扶快把我攸, 扳忘把技忘扯快志找我折快扼抗抉抄 我 抒抉把抉扮抉 抒我技我折快扼抗抉抄 扭把抉技抑扮抖快扶扶抉扼找我 我 找.忱. / 扯我扼找快把扶抑 抉忱我扶 把快忘抗找我志扶抑抄 抉忌抉把批忱抉志忘扶我攸 志 扭把抉技抑扮抖快扶扶抉扼找我, 抗抉找抉把忘攸 我扼扭抉抖抆戒批快找扼攸 忱抖攸 忌把抉忪快扶我攸 技我抗把抉抉把忍忘扶我戒技忘.抉把忍忘扶, 抗忘抗 扭把忘志我抖抉, 扭把抉我戒志抉忱我找扼攸 我戒 扶快把忪忘志快攻投快抄 扼找忘抖我 我 忌忘抗 抉把忍忘扶忘, 抗批把找抗忘, 我戒抉抖攸扯我抉扶扶抉忍抉 扼抖抉攸, 抉扶 技抉忪快找 忌抑找抆 抉抒抖忘忪忱快扶我快, 抉找抉扭抖快扶我快 我 扼抉抒把忘扶快扶我攸 找快扭抖忘.志扶批找把我 扯我扼找快把扶抑 扼 戒快把抗忘抖抉技, 扭抉抖抆扼抗我抄, 忌抖我戒抉抗 忱我戒忘抄扶 忱抖攸 抉忌快扼扭快折快扶我攸 技忘找快把我忘抖抆扶抉忍抉 扼技快扮我志忘扶我攸, 扳快把技快扶找忘扯我我 志 扶快 戒忘忍把攸戒扶快扶我攸 忍抉扼批忱忘把扼找志忘.改找抉 抉忌抉把批忱抉志忘扶我快 扼 忱抑抒忘扶我快技 忱抑把批, CIP 技抑找抆攸 批扼找把抉抄扼找志忘 我 抖攻抗.志 抒抉忱快 把忘戒把忘忌抉找抗我 我 扭把抉我戒志抉忱扼找志忘 忱抉抖忪扶抑 抉忌把忘投忘找抆 志扶我技忘扶我快 扶忘 找抉折扶抉扼找抆 扼找把批抗找批把抑 我 扭忘把忘 抗 忱快戒我扶扳快抗扯我我.改找抉 抉忌抉把批忱抉志忘扶我快 扼 忍我忌抗抉扼找抆攻, 抉扭快把忘扯我我, 找忘抗 折找抉 扭抉忱抒抉忱我找 忱抖攸 技扶抉忍我抒 扭把抉忱批抗找抉志.
1. On line of CIP washing and SIP disinfection. (121⊥/ 0.1MPa).
1.扭抉 抖我扶我我 抗扭扭 我 忱抖攸 SIP 忱快戒我扶扳快抗扯我我.(121 ⊥ / 0.1mpa).
2. According with the sanitary degree to design, it is with humanized structure, easy to operate, smooth transmission and low noise.
2.志 扼抉抉找志快找扼找志我我 扼 扼忘扶我找忘把扶抑技我 扼找快扭快扶我 忱我戒忘抄扶, 改找抉 折快抖抉志快折快扼抗抉快 抖我扯抉 扼找把批抗找批把抑, 抖快忍抗抉 批扭把忘志抖攸找抆, 忍抖忘忱抗抉抄 扭快把快忱忘折我 我 扶我戒抗我技 批把抉志扶快技 扮批技忘.
3. Suitable proportion between diameter and height and mixing device custom-made by client. It is with energy-saving and better effect of mixing and fermentation.
3.扼抉抉找志快找扼找志批攻投我快 扭把抉扭抉把扯我我 技快忪忱批 志抑扼抉找抑 我 忱我忘技快找把忘 我 扼技快扮我志忘扶我攸 批扼找把抉抄扼找志抉 戒忘抗忘戒 抉找 抗抖我快扶找忘.改找抉 扼 改扶快把忍抉扼忌快把快忍忘攻投我抒 我 抖批折扮我抄 改扳扳快抗找 扼技快扮我志忘扶我攸 我 扳快把技快扶找忘扯我我.
4. Surface of inside tank is with mirror polish, each nozzle, sight mirror, manhole connect with tank body by over the edge technology. The inside tank is smooth and easy to wash to ensure reliability and stability during the production process. It is in line with the GMP requirement.
4.扭抉志快把抒扶抉扼找我 志扶批找把我 扯我扼找快把扶抑 扼 戒快把抗忘抖抉技, 扭抉抖抆扼抗我抄, 抗忘忪忱抑抄 我戒 扼抉扭抖忘, 戒快把抗忘抖抉, 抖攻抗 扼抉快忱我扶我找抆扼攸 扼 找忘扶抗忘 找快抖忘 折快把快戒 抗把忘抄 找快抒扶抉抖抉忍我我.志扶批找把我 扯我扼找快把扶抑 扭抖忘志扶抉 我 抖快忍抗抉 技抑找抆 忱抖攸 抉忌快扼扭快折快扶我攸 扶忘忱快忪扶抉扼找我 我 扼找忘忌我抖抆扶抉扼找我 志 扭把抉扯快扼扼快 扭把抉我戒志抉忱扼找志忘.我技快扶扶抉 志 扼抉抉找志快找扼找志我我 扼 找把快忌抉志忘扶我攸技我 GMP 找把快忌抉志忘扶我快.
