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折我扼找抉 扭忘把抉忍快扶快把忘找抉把 | ![]() |

扭把抉我戒志抉忱我找快抖抆扶抉扼找抆 找把批忱忘
The standard equipment model table demonstrates the productivity of equipment under the condition of 3 bar pure steam pressure. 6 bar industrial steam , the unit is kg/h.If you need the actual productivity for certain model equipment,you should multiply conversion ratio according to the assigned productivity.
扼找忘扶忱忘把找扶抉快 抉忌抉把批忱抉志忘扶我快 技抉忱快抖我 找忘忌抖我扯忘 忱快技抉扶扼找把我把批快找 扭把抉我戒志抉忱我找快抖抆扶抉扼找抆 抉忌抉把批忱抉志忘扶我攸 扭把我 批扼抖抉志我我 3 忌忘把忘 折我扼找抉 忱忘志抖快扶我快 扭忘把忘.6 忌忘把 扭把抉技抑扮抖快扶扶抉忍抉 扭忘把忘, 忍把批扭扭忘 抗忍 / h.if 扶批忪扶抉 扳忘抗找我折快扼抗忘攸 扭把抉我戒志抉忱我找快抖抆扶抉扼找抆 扶忘 扶快抗抉找抉把抑快 技抉忱快抖我 抉忌抉把批忱抉志忘扶我攸, 志忘技 扼抖快忱批快找 批技扶抉忪我找抆 抗抉改扳扳我扯我快扶找 抗抉扶志快把扼我我 扭抉 批扼找忘扶抉志抖快扶扶抉技批 扭把抉我戒志抉忱我找快抖抆扶抉扼找我.
Example for choosing model:
扭把我技快把 忱抖攸 志抑忌抉把忘 技抉忱快抖我:
Industrial steam pressure:7bar
扭把抉技抑扮抖快扶扶抉快 忱忘志抖快扶我快 扭忘把忘: 7bar
Needed pure steam pressure:2bar
扶批忪扶抑 折我扼找抑快 忱忘志抖快扶我快 扭忘把忘: 2bar
Highest demand quantity:500kg/h
扶忘我忌抉抖抆扮我技 扼扭把抉扼抉技 志 抗抉抖我折快扼找志快: 500kg / 折
Conversion ratio:1.7
抗抉改扳扳我扯我快扶找 抗抉扶志快把扼我我: 1,7
Assigned output demand: 500/1.7=294kg/h
批扼找忘扶抉志抖快扶扶抉快 扭把抉我戒志抉忱扼找志忘 扼扭把抉扼: 500 / 1.7 = 294kg / 折
Choosing model:PSG 300 DTS
志抑忌抉把 技抉忱快抖我: 扭把忍 300 DTS
Public engineering demand
抉忌投快扼找志快扶扶抉忍抉 扭把抉快抗找我把抉志忘扶我攸 扼扭把抉扼忘
Industrial saturated dry steam free of impurities and corrosive agents, maximum pressure is 9 bars
扭把抉技抑扮抖快扶扶抑快 扶忘扼抑投快扶扶抑抒 扼批抒抉忍抉 扭忘把忘 忌快戒 扭把我技快扼快抄 我 忘忍把快扼扼我志扶抑抒 忘忍快扶找抉志, 技忘抗扼我技忘抖抆扶抉快 忱忘志抖快扶我快 - 9.
Feed water demineralized, free of silica, chlorine, amine and volatile substances, pressure demand is 1-2bar.
扭抉忱忘折忘 志抉忱抑 忱快技我扶快把忘抖我戒抉志忘扶扶抉抄 忌快戒 抗把快技扶我攸, 抒抖抉把, 忘技我扶 我 抖快找批折我抒 志快投快扼找志, 忱忘志抖快扶我快 扶忘 1-2bar.
Electrical energy: according to customer requirement.
改抖快抗找把我折快扼抗抉抄 改扶快把忍我我: 扭抉 忱忘扶扶抑技 抗抖我快扶找忘 找把快忌抉志忘扶我快.
Dry compressed air without oil, minimum pressure 6bars.
扼批抒抉抄 扼忪忘找抉忍抉 志抉戒忱批抒忘 忌快戒 扶快扳找我, 技我扶我技忘抖抆扶抉快 忱忘志抖快扶我快 6bars.
Technical parameter for pure steam generator
找快抒扶我折快扼抗我抒 扭忘把忘技快找把抉志 折我扼找抉 扭忘把抉忍快扶快把忘找抉把
Model | Height(mm) | Length(mm) | Width(mm) | Weight(Kg) |
PSQ100 | 2100 | 1150 | 600 | 400 |
PSQ200 | 2400 | 1300 | 600 | 550 |
PSQ300 | 2400 | 1300 | 600 | 550 |
PSQ500 | 2800 | 1550 | 650 | 700 |
PSQ750 | 2900 | 1550 | 650 | 800 |
PSQ1000 | 3300 | 1800 | 800 | 1000 |
PSQ1500 | 3700 | 2100 | 1000 | 1500 |
PSQ2000 | 4100 | 2250 | 1100 | 1900 |
PSQ3000 | 4350 | 2600 | 1200 | 2700 |
PSQ4000 | 4600 | 2800 | 1400 | 3500 |
