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TZZRJ(S) 扼快把我攸 扼批扭扭抉戒我找抉把我我 志忘抗批批技 扼技快扮我志忘扶我攸 改技批抖抆忍忘找抉把 | ![]() |

Use:This equipment is suitable for manufacturing suppositories.It is especially for oil based material and high viscosity material.
我扼扭抉抖抆戒抉志忘扶我快: 改找抉 抉忌抉把批忱抉志忘扶我快 扭把我忍抉忱扶抉 忱抖攸 扭把抉我戒志抉忱扼找志忘 扼志快折我. 改找抉 抉扼抉忌快扶扶抉 志抑扼抉抗抉抄 志攸戒抗抉扼找我 扶快扳找我 扶忘 抉扼扶抉志快 技忘找快把我忘抖抉志 我 技忘找快把我忘抖抉志.
Summarize:TZZRJ(S) series suppository vacuum mixing emulsifier has the improvement based on TZZRJ series vacuum mixing emulsifier .It is mainly consist of emulsifying tank, stromatolysis tank, tank for heating water,pump,vacuum system,hydraulic system, automatic feeding system and electric appliance control system.All the pipelines and vessel which contacted with the material are controlled in a identical temperature and with heat preservation so that ensure the material have a good dissolved effect during the whole confecting and transportation process.The confected material can through the fluid position control transport to the packaging machine automatically and the material which has not packed can be return back to emulsifying tank.
抗把忘找抗抉: tzzrj (S) 扼快把我我 扼批扭扭抉戒我找抉把我我 志忘抗批批技 扼技快扮我志忘扶我攸 改技批抖抆忍忘找抉把 我技快快找 批抖批折扮快扶我快 扶忘 抉扼扶抉志快 扼快把我我 tzzrj 志忘抗批批技 扼技快扮我志忘扶我攸 改技批抖抆忍忘找抉把. 抉扶忘 扼抉扼找抉我找 忍抖忘志扶抑技 抉忌把忘戒抉技 我戒 emulsifying 找忘扶抗, stromatolysis 找忘扶抗, 扯我扼找快把扶抑 忱抖攸 扭抉忱抉忍把快志忘 志抉忱抑, 扶忘扼抉扼, 志忘抗批批技扶抑快 扼我扼找快技抑, 忍我忱把忘志抖我折快扼抗抉抄 扼我扼找快技抑, 忘志找抉技忘找我折快扼抗忘攸 扼我扼找快技忘 抉找抗抉把技忘 我 改抖快抗找把我折快扼抗我抒 扭把我忌抉把抉志 扼我扼找快技抑 抗抉扶找把抉抖攸. 志扼快 找把批忌抉扭把抉志抉忱抑 我 抗抉把忘忌抖抆, 抗抉找抉把抑抄 扼志攸戒忘抖扼攸 扼 技忘找快把我忘抖抑 扶忘抒抉忱攸找扼攸 扭抉忱 抗抉扶找把抉抖快技 志 我忱快扶找我折扶抑抒 找快技扭快把忘找批把抑 我 扼抉抒把忘扶快扶我攸 找快扭抖忘, 折找抉忌抑 抉忌快扼扭快折我找抆 技忘找快把我忘抖 抒抉把抉扮我抄 把忘扼找志抉把快扶扶抑抒 志 扼我抖批 志抉 志扼快抄 confecting 我 扭把抉扯快扼扼抉技 扭快把快志抉戒抗我. confected 技忘找快把我忘抖 技抉忪快找 折快把快戒 忪我忱抗抉扼找抆 扭抉戒我扯我攻 抗抉扶找把抉抖攸 找把忘扶扼扭抉把找忘 忱抉 批扭忘抗抉志抉折扶抑抒 技忘扮我扶 忘志找抉技忘找我折快扼抗我 我 技忘找快把我忘抖忘, 抗抉找抉把抑抄 扶快 批扭忘抗抉志忘扶扶抑快 技抉忪扶抉 志快把扶批找抆扼攸 志 emulsifying 找忘扶抗.
Main technical parameter:
抉扼扶抉志扶抑快 找快抒扶我折快扼抗我快 扭忘把忘技快找把抑:
技抉忱快抖抆 |
cubage |
改技批抖抆忍我把抉志忘扶我攸 |
忘忍我找忘找抉把 |
戒忘 扭把快忱快抖忘技我 忘扼扭快抗找 | |||||
Kw |
r/min |
Kw |
r/min |
ㄗLㄘ |
ㄗWㄘ |
ㄗHㄘ |
ㄗMHㄘ | ||
TZZRJ(S)-100 |
100L |
3 |
0-1700 |
1.5 |
10-70 |
2400 |
2200 |
1900 |
2600 |
TZZRJ(S)-150 |
150L |
4 |
0-1700 |
1.5 |
10-70 |
2450 |
2150 |
2250 |
2900 |
TZZRJ(S)-200 |
200L |
4 |
0-1700 |
1.5 |
10-70 |
2500 |
2380 |
2200 |
3000 |
TZZRJ(S)-350 |
350L |
5.5 |
0-1700 |
2.2 |
10-70 |
2800 |
2600 |
2550 |
3400 |
The above parameter is for reference and drawing parameter is for standard
